
A Collection of Our Research Projects.

Sustainable Development Goals in Africa

With economic turmoil at its greatest and climate change posing a real threat to the prosperity of Africa the UN is trying its level best for the implementation of its Sustainable Devellopment Goals. This article covers progress in that regard.

Extra-Judicial Killings

Extra-Judicial Killings have long dominated the worlds of politics. With examples such as the killings of Osama bin Laden, Jamal Khagoggi and even Kim Song Nam, many legal authorities undermine and question the legality of such killings. Are such killing justfied in the name of humanity? Or are they another way to cover illegal killings?


Always on the verge of economic, religious, social and military conflicts, refugees have a tough time moving from place to place for their safety. This article sheds light on Refugees, their legal rights, and real life world refugee crisis.

The Future of Military Bases in the 21st Century

Proxies war have become more apparent than ever with economic Giants China and USA leading the way. A major hand in these wars are military bases. Do these bases really serve their allies or is it a method to merely increase political influence.

The R2P

Proxies war have become more apparent than ever with economic Giants China and USA leading the way. A major hand in these wars are military bases. Do these bases really serve their allies or is it a method to merely increase political influence.

Rights of Indigenous People

Indigenous People are individuals who are free and equal to all other people and have the right to be free from all sorts of discrimination. However still, in this day and age this does not seem the case in many nations. But why is it so? And is this justified?

Violence against women in Conflict Zones

International Laws seem to protect women and children, but with lack of accountability and implementation, women often find themselves at risk. This article covers in full detail the dangers faced by women in these regions.

The Yemen Crisis

The seven year old conflict, still remains a deadlock. With Iranian backed Houthi forces claiming control over yemen, and US backed Saudi Forces constantly battling it out, a record number of innocent people have been killed and displaced. Does this conflict have an end in sight?

Vigilantism in Africa

Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in Governmental Organisations utilising vigilante groups for their protection. However with no accountability for these organisations and no sense of law, their use is widely debated upon. This article weighs both sides to the story.

The Weaponization and Colonization of Outer Space

The arms race spread to Outer Space within decades of the Second World War. Legisliation such as the Outer Space Treaty 1960, prevents the use of Space as a means to increase ones control. But if international policis have taught us one thing, is that sometimes legislation is just not enough. This article covers the crevices within this highly interesting topic.

The Uighur Crisis

With 10 million Uighurs, the XinJiang region is home to one of the worlds most extensive ethnic cleanising program. With the veil of extremist Cleansing, huge humanitraian violations occur in the region, with no exception for even innocent women and children. This article goes into immense detail within this conflict.

Protection of Journalists in Conflict Zones

Journalists serve as our eyes and ears in the most remote, inaccessible and violent conflict zones present within the world. However the safety of these very journalists ix at risk. What are the factors contributing to violence against them?

Racism, Xenophobia and Islamophobia

Racism and its various forms date back hundreds of years, however only recently widespread concern has been raised against this issue. Presidential campaigns have been won and entire communities have been united over this particular issue. But why exactly has racism only received attention in the past few years? And what are the other less known forms of racism?

Reformation of the Security Council

The United Nations Security Council is seen as an instrumental pillar of international law. However, concerns have been raised regarding its permanent members. Is a reform of the Security Council possible?

Police Brutality and the Resulting Inflammation of Tensions

Police killings have risen exponentially during the last few years. Concerns have been voiced regarding police brutality throughout the world. Are years of injustice the reason police brutality led to one of the largest campaigns in the history of our world?

The Rise of the Rubel During Unprecedented Times

Sanctions are meant to halt economic growth right? Sanctions on Russia amidst the Ukraine war have rendered useless. What is sustaining the Russian economy and allowing unprecedented growth?

The Kashmir Issue

Being the largest and longest intra-state conflict between India and Pakistan, the Kashmir issue is a deep and dirty stain within the subcontinent. With blatant humanitarian violations and stripping of citizenship, this issue still remaines unresolved. Why is this so and how do various states play roles in this conflict?

Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

With immense regulations on money transferirng, and working of international organisations it is still a wonder to many how to terrorist organisation finance themselves? This article covers the topic of Money laundering and its links with financing terrorism.

The Impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 became a household term in a matter of days, Being tha latest Pandemic this world has witnessed in recent imes, this virus has had deep implicit effects on the metropolitan structure of this world. This article covers all effects Covid has had in modern society.

The Socio-Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan economy is currently suffering from an unprecedented economic crisis caused in large part by the ruling party's economic mismanagement and compounded by factors such as the financial impact of the COVID pandemic. The Civil War from 2009-2015 left the Sri Lankan economy hobbled by high budgetary deficits.

All You Need to Know About Monkey Pox

Monkeypox is an infection that starts with a fever, headache, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes, followed by a rash of raised bumps on the face and body a few days later. It is transmitted by the monkeypox virus, which is a type of pox virus. It is a viral disease of animals, particularly certain rodents and primates, including monkeys and humans, that causes symptoms similar to those of smallpox, though less severe.

The Russia-Ukraine Crisis (2)

Ukraine has long played an important, yet sometimes overlooked, role in the global security order. Today, the country is on the front lines of a renewed great-power rivalry that many analysts say will dominate international relations in the decades ahead. In October 2021, Russia began moving troops and military equipment near its border with Ukraine, reigniting concerns over a potential invasion.

The situation in Afghanistan Post US withdrawal

Landlocked and resource-poor, Afghanistan's geo-strategic location and importance have always made it vulnerable to foreign intervention. Known as the Graveyard of Empires, Afghanistan has always been an important crossroads, the target of foreign invaders throughout history. Its varied tribal, ethnic, and social landscapes add to the uncertainty and political instability, hindering peace, development, and growth.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

A blockchain is a shared distributed database or ledger between computer network nodes. A blockchain serves as an electronic database for storing data in digital form. The most well-known use of blockchain technology is for preserving a secure and decentralized record of transactions in cryptocurrency systems like Bitcoin. The innovation of a blockchain is that it fosters confidence without the necessity for a reliable third party by ensuring the fidelity and security of a record of data.

Impending Global Recession

During a recession, the economy struggles, people lose work, companies make fewer sales and the country's overall economic output declines. The point where the economy officially falls into a recession depends on a variety of factors. In 1974, economist Julius Shiskin came up with a few rules of thumb to define a recession: The most popular was two consecutive quarters of declining GDP.

Humanitarian Crisis in Congo

The humanitarian crisis within the Democratic Republic of Congo originated from the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. In 1959, the Hutus overthrew the Tutsi monarchy and tens of thousands of Tutsis fled to neighboring countries, including Uganda. A group of Tutsi exiles formed a rebel group, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which invaded Rwanda in 1990 and fighting continued until a 1993 peace deal was agreed upon.

Maintainance of Nuclear Security in the 21st Century

Nuclear proliferation also referred to as the NPT or the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, is the transfer of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and technology and information that can be used to make nuclear weapons to countries that are not designated as "Nuclear Weapon States."

Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism

Biological warfare is any organism that depends on toxins, from simple bacteria to snakes. Humans that engage in this form of battle benefit from these organs that produce a lot of toxins. Biological warfare takes place when a state actor uses biological weapons in its war arsenal. Agents of Biological warfare vary to a large degree in many areas.